Title: Hanley Car Parks
Artist: Daniel Lyttleton
Out Of Place Books
19 x 27 cm
64 pages
Perfect bound
These car parks are spaces between other spaces. A terminus for the thing or event, whatever that may be. They are also places to dwell in an increasingly placeless England, to photograph what is here but to ponder what is no longer. Appropriate leisure in the age of nothingness. Each has their rhythm, existing as a terminus amongst the car-obsessed society where you can leave a review when you leave.
- Daniel Lyttleton
These car parks are spaces between other spaces. A terminus for the thing or event, whatever that may be. They are also places to dwell in an increasingly placeless England, to photograph what is here but to ponder what is no longer. Appropriate leisure in the age of nothingness. Each has their rhythm, existing as a terminus amongst the car-obsessed society where you can leave a review when you leave.
- Daniel Lyttleton